Below is a list of error codes & messages you may encounter if SOOS can't read your manifest, as well as an explanation of what each code means:
Valid: Manifest added to the scan.
- Success, everything went fine and the manifest was added to the scan!
OnlyDevDependencies: Manifest only contains dev dependencies, but Include Dev Dependencies is off. Change this under Configure.
- We did not extract the dev dependencies because the configuration for scanning Dev Dependencies was off.
NoPackages: Manifest did not contain any packages.
- We couldn’t find any packages in the manifest, i.e.: there were no packages and no dev dependencies.
Empty: Manifest was empty.
- The manifest was empty (no content was sent).
OnlyNonLockFiles: Manifest is a lock file, but 'Use Lock Files' is off. Change this under Configure.
- The manifest sent was a lock file, but the configuration for scanning lock files was off.
OnlyLockFiles: Manifest is a non-lock file, but 'Use Lock Files' is on. Change this under Configure.
- The manifest sent was a non-lock file, but the configuration for scanning lock files was on.
ParsingError: Error parsing the manifest.
- The manifest content could not be parsed, could be due to bad content or some un-expected format.
UnknownManifestType: Unknown manifest format.
- There was something unknown or unexpected with the manifest file, even though it looks valid.
UnsupportedManifestVersion: This version of the manifest is not supported.
- The manifest type is known, but the specific content or version is un-supported (some manifest formats have gone through multiple formats over the years, we don’t always support all).
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