Below is a list of the languages and corresponding package managers and manifest format(s) supported by SOOS. We support the most popular package managers for each language. For Container scanning support, refer to the list of package managers at the far bottom of this page.
If you are looking for a language, package manager, or manifest format we don't currently support, drop us a line at We frequently add support for those not seen on this list, so we will add your request to our road map if it is not there already, or we will let you know when to expect it to be available!
SCA Scanning
- .NET (C#, VB) - NuGet
- packages.lock.json (lock file)
- paket.lock (lock file)
- packages.config
- csproj
- vbproj
- project.assets.json
- paket.dependencies
- .NET (C#) - Unity
- manifest.json
- packages-lock.json (lock file)
- C/C++ - Conan
- conanfile.txt
- conan.lock (lock file)
- Dart (Flutter) - Dart PM (Pub Package Manager)
- pubspec.yaml
- pubspec.lock (lock file)
- Elixir - Mix
- mix.exs
- mix.lock (lock file)
- Erlang - Rebar3
- rebar.config
- rebar.lock (lock file)
- Go (GoLang) - Go Modules
- go.mod
- go.mod
- Homebrew. - Various languages
- brewfile
- brewfile.lock.json
- Java - Gradle & Maven
- pom.xml
- .pom
- build.gradle**
- gradle.lockfile
- Kotlin - Gradle
- gradle.lockfile
**Manifest formats build.gradle and build.gradle.kts do not support version variables or substitutions. If you are using either of these, consider using a lock file: Locking Dependency Versions
- Node - npm, Yarn, and pnpm
- package.lock.json (lock file)
- package.json
- pnpm-lock.yaml (lock file)
- yarn.lock (lock file)
- PHP - Composer
- composer.json
- composer.json
- Python - PyPI
- pipfile.lock (lock file)
- poetry.lock (lockfile)
- pdm.lock (lockfile)
- pipfile
- pyproject.toml (Poetry & PDM)
- .*req.*\\.txt
- Ruby - Ruby Gems
- gemfile.lock (lock file)
- gemfile
- Rust - Cargo
- cargo.toml
- cargo.lock (lock file)
Container Scanning
- Docker Containers
- C/C++ - Conan
- Dart
- Erlang
- Go
- Homebrew
- Java
- Linux - Alpine, Amazon, Debian, Fedora, & Wolfi
- NuGet
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Swift