User Management

SSO - OpenID Connect


SSO allows you to manage users in your own directory and is supported via OpenID Connect.

We don't think you should have to pay extra for better authentication. SSO is included in the base SOOS plan!

Need another connection type, such as SAML, reach out to us at Support at SOOS.


From the Integrations page, select External Connections, followed by the SSO tab.

SSO integration form

Well Known Config:

Google Authentication Example:

Azure AD Example:{TENANT_ID}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration (Replace {TENANT_ID} with your Azure AD Tenant ID)

Client Secret: Set the secret that you copied from your SSO provider

Client ID: Set client id that you copied from your SSO provider

Audience: Set audience to the same as the client id

Domain Hint: Set domain hint to i.e. ""

Email Claim: Set email claim to "email"

Default Users to this Role: Set the user roll that all SSO first time logins will be set to (this can be changed later in the app).

Sign In

Once configured, be sure to select the SSO option from the login page. You will be asked for your SOOS Client Id (which can be found under Integrations).

SSO sign in location