The Licenses view shows a rollup of the SPDX licenses identified for the packages located in the scan(s).
Only applicable for SCA, SBOM, and Container scans.
Always consult legal council in regards to licenses and legal decisions.
Select a license in the graph or list to view more details about the license.
Use the Research link to view the SOOS License Research pages for additional information on the license.
A summary of the license usage, options, and requirements can be used as a starting point for researching specific licenses, but the full license text should always be reviewed.
Use the Found In section to review the list of packages associated with each license type. The package links can be used to locate introduction paths for the package in the dependency tree.
Packages that contain license information that is unknown, non-SPDX, or do not contain license information at all, are categorized together as Unknown/Non-SPDX Licenses and marked with a warning symbol.