The Issues tab contains a full list of issues identified for the chosen project.
- View issues by status by clicking each of the tabs in the issue detail section of the page. Issue status are Unaddressed, Pending, Attested, or Resolved.
- Within each status tab, filter by issue types, electing to see only those issues classified as Vulnerabilities, Policy Violations, Dependency Typos, Dependency Substitutions, or Web Vulnerabilities (for DAST enabled accounts only).
- Sort issues based on desired criteria by using the available dropdown.
- New issues that have been detected for the first time in your project will be identified by a star icon, shown below.
- Refer to our Research/Fix Issues article to learn more about how investigate your project's issues and how to initiate fixes for them.
- At the top right of the page you will find the Rescan button, which lets you instantly refresh the vulnerability data from your most recent scan for your project from within the SOOS UI.
- Read about the options for branch scan filter settings in our Configurations article.
- Read about the options for branch scan filter settings in our Configurations article.