You've got enough to keep you busy, you shouldn't have to add 'check SOOS status' to your to-do list.

  • Access the Organization settings in the user dropdown.

SOOS left navigation 
 menu indicating location of access to Organizatin page

  • Once on the Organization page:
    • The email found in the Administrative section will default to the email of the first user to create the SOOS account.  This can be edited at any time to list an appropriate user to receive billing and user invite/deletion email notifications.
    • The Notifications section controls the settings used to alert your team of the status of your scans.  Scan notifications are an optional feature.
      • Enter a desired email address and click the available box to enable notification emails.
      • For each type of issue select the desired frequency of notification.  Options are:
        • Never
        • Every scan - Sends an email regardless of issue count
        • Scans with issues - Sends an email when a scan contains an issue of the indicated issue type
        • Scans with new issues - Sends an email when a scan detects a newly introduced issue of the indicated issue type
        • Failed scans - Sends an email when a scan has failed based on the Scan Settings for the indicated issue type.

Note - Notification email fields do not accept lists - doing so will cause an error and notifications will not be sent.  To send notifications to multiple users, SOOS recommends the use of email distribution groups created within your company's email service.

SOOS Organization Settings

  • Scan notification emails are grouped, meaning a single email is sent for each scan, and will include a composite of values for all issue types.  
  • Scan notification emails provide a link back to the project for users to investigate issues further.
    Sample of SOOS scan notification email