Community Edition Requirements
SOOS Community Edition accounts exclusively support GitHub SCA scans via webhook or QuickScan. First, follow our instructions for the GitHub Integration.
For a quick-start, add projects to your SOOS account using GitHub Quickscan to scan your public repositories.
Once the scan has been initiated, SOOS will attempt to determine an open source package ID from any available manifest files in order to link the package to the project.
Not all package managers support the definition of package IDs or versions in manifest files.
It may also be impossible to identify the open source package ID if multiple manifest files exist in the repository.
In these cases, use the steps below to Manually Linking an Open Source Package
If an open source package ID is identified in the repository's manifest, a project will be created in SOOS and the open source package will be linked to that project (as seen below, where the Soos.SampleProject package has been linked to the sample-project-nuget SOOS project.
To view and adjust the badge and package details, navigate to your project and select the Manage tab.

If an open source package cannot be matched to your manifest, the project will be scanned and the desired open source package can be linked manually (see below).
If the scanned repository does not produce a package, you can add a scan-based badge instead (see below).
Select Link a Package or the package id if one has been linked to add/adjust the package details and/or manifest path.

Repositories without a package must use one of the scan-based badge options.
Repositories with linked packages may use either scan-based or package-based badge options. Preview the available badge options in our SOOS Badges article.
Select Add a Badge or Badge Unverified (depending on how much time has passed since the scan was run).
Select your badge options and copy the provided markdown to add to your repositories readme.

Once SOOS detects the presence of a badge the indicator will switch to Badge Verified.